


Finished the index without links


Where am I?

You landed in the domain if rxtten portal: a place owned by a treacherous being whose belongings are now embedded within your frame and hers.
You may take many routes (as well as the leaving one before it is too late) which vary from the peaceful yet chaotic description of cadou's interests and life to the horrific showcase of her creations, beyond this one.
If you'd like to question any further detail or atrocity, you are so welcome to do that in the guestbook.

Who are you?

I'm Cadou, a being of various origins who is very much in love with russian literature and everything related to writing and reading too. The more complex, ambiguos, niche, unethical maybe, uncommon, underground, misunderstood topic, singer or writer is food for my innards. (For I am a being who eats very little humanly nutritious food).
To know in more detail about my kins I suggest you directly go to the list section, where I have taken serious commitment to order my mental database in understandable propositions.
Lastly, I also am a student of a certain degree (not that old I suppose): I study computer science and after this I plan to pursue medicine.
I must confess: social medias are a burden, but I always wanted to share a little bit of me with others, and the fashion in which retro-weird-aesthetic websites portrait something, has always been enchanting to me.

How do I move in here?

On the left side you will find the summary of all the rooms you have access to. The rooms are the following:
  • About me: the projects I'm working on, my thoughts on something, stuff I want to share and so on (anarchy!!!)
  • book entries: Updates on the books I'm writing, if not, chapters of the books itself (I'd love a review)
  • Carrd: my carrd.co website, which is here for no absolute reason
  • Guestbook: assert your dominance or ask questions, 50/50
  • Lists: a list of lists me and my humans update about any nonsense we'd like
  • Desktop: a little place made with 7.css (no way sherlock) which has, once again, no actual purpose whatsoever but to throw random stuff in it
In the center you will find the important questions and also the Updates log at the bottom.
On the right side you will find my specs and quick informations
At the bottom you will find a chatbox where you can talk with total strangers, or cadou herself if I hop in


alt: ur.cadou, shkizu and drogo


languages: italian, english, russian

location: under my blankies

I have a well established and very classy lady hamster called Meringa